The Chic DailySep 18, 2015Men’s Street Style: Slim Is InBy Steven Hernandez The baggy clothes era has stumbled its way out of the mainstream and has given rise to a slimmer and much more...
The Chic DailyFeb 24, 2015Shoesday Tuesday: Nike editionOk, bear with me on this one… I was doing some online window-shopping this weekend, and I just couldn’t help but notice a trend that I...
The Chic DailyOct 21, 2014Shoesday Tuesday: These shoes are made for WalkingThis past weekend was Parents-Weekend here at ASU. In order to show my parents the wonderful university I am currently attending, there...
The Chic DailyOct 20, 2014Trendy TravelingWith school breaks, holidays and weekend trips approaching, it seems like everyone is heading to the airport. Flying can be a stressful...
The Chic DailyJan 31, 2014Friday FavoritesFavorite Sneaker: “If you’re excited about your workout clothes, chances are you’ll actually want to get off the couch and start running....