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As Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum fight for survival in “The Lost City,” The Chic Daily Executive

Ashlyn Robinette

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

By Ashlyn Robinette

We all wish that Spring break would last forever. Alas, it has come to an end. 

Transitioning from Spring-break-mode to study-mode can be difficult. Maintaining motivation and resisting the urge to crawl back into bed can be a challenge for those of us experiencing burnout. The last few weeks of school are often filled with final projects and exams that no one is excited about. At this point in the school year, you may already feel drained and are just trying to get through the rest of the semester.

Instead of hitting the snooze button, it’s time to reset yourself so that you can finish the semester strong. A few executive members from The Chic Daily have shared their top essentials to surviving the Spring semester.

  1. Sunglasses and SPF

Magazine Creative Director Alexia Hill and Digital Assistant Alexis Watkins understand that Arizona’s searing heat can drain the life out of anyone. So, as temperatures rise, make sure to apply lots of sunscreen and throw on your favorite pair of shades. Your skin will thank you later.

  1. The gym

Co-Editor-in-Chief Morgan Cole considers the gym to be essential to her success. Working out acts like therapy for Cole and gives her some much-needed alone time. So, pop in those headphones and release some endorphins to feel refreshed inside and out.

  1. Planners

Let’s face it, life can get chaotic. To keep your schedule organized, Managing Editor Grace Copperthite swears by planners. She recommends Erin Condren’s LifePlanner, saying that it has saved her life.

  1. Lip Balm

It’s important to look and feel good. When you do, school can seem a little easier. Magazine Content Director Micah Rind uses lip balm to keep her lips soft and glossy. Her favorite is Burt’s Bees Vanilla Bean Lip Balm.

  1. Drinks

No, not the alcoholic kind. Vice President Kenzel Williams gains energy through iced matchas. For me, Co-Editor-in-Chief, chugging water and enjoying a smoothie bowl keeps me hydrated. Hit up your local coffee shop for your beverage of choice.

Hopefully these Spring essentials help you to successfully complete the semester. Remember, you’ve got this!


What are your essentials to survive the spring semester? Let us know on Instagram and Twitter or leave a comment!

Be sure to enter our giveaway on Instagram for tickets to the advanced screening of the film, THE LOST CITY, for you and your fellow adventurer to discover THE LOST CITY together!

Photos from Pinterest


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