As the title sequence flashes across your twenty-six inch TV screen, a surge of excitement encompasses you. The beautiful brown hair, blue-eyed girl steps on scene with her seamlessly put together outfit. The camera angle shifts and the perfect flow of her striped red dress paired with bright teal flats impassions you with envy and you wonder how you could make her flawless style your very own.
Time to silence that little green monster, your favorite TV character’s style is not out of reach.
1. Aria Montgomery- Pretty Little Liars
You can channel Aria Montgomery’s style by being adventurous with the right amount of balance and giving an edge to basic pieces.
As seen in this look, Aria pairs a pink jacket with patterned pants.

This look is easily attainable through pairing a light jacket with your choice of patterned pants.
This next look not only embodies Aria’s style but also combines two of her most envied looks into one.
With a metallic jacket and a pair of striped pants this look is easily achievable.

2. Blair Waldorf-Gossip Girl
Here Blair is spotted wearing a dressed up rendition of a simple school uniform, exemplary of her impeccable style.

With a vintage-chic blouse, dark skirt and flashy headband this look can be yours.
Blair Waldorf is always putting her best Louboutin forward in the fashion world and even when she goes for a more laid back style, she still manages to acquire a preppy look with a collared blouse, jeans and coveted pair of strappy heels.

A sophisticated blouse, denim jeans, heels and a signature Blair Waldorf hair accessory will allow you to embrace this look.
3. Jessica Day-New Girl
The first Jessica Day look is complete with a white blouse, polka dot skirt and pink ballet flats.

With a neutral colored blouse, playfully patterned skirt and colored flats you can surely master this look.
Jessica Day’s style also calls for a bit of a vintage spin on an ordinary outfit.
This easy, yet fun look can be achieved with a similarly bright colored quarter-sleeve top and polka dot shorts.

Integrating your favorite TV characters style can present itself as a daunting task, but don’t be discouraged. Taking basic pieces, bold patterns and avant-garde accessories will guide you to recreate the ideal outfit.
Blair Waldorf exemplifies how instilling a personal touch to that perfect outfit brings you from being a background extra to the star of your very own show.
As you tune in for next week’s episode and the camera screens out revealing the epitome of a stylish outfit, do not just merely settle for envy, but rather take that outfit as your next closet conquest.
By: Danielle Quijada and Shelby Hyde
Photos courtesy of Channing in the City, Worn on TV, Blair Waldorf Outfits-Tumblr, Fashion Diva Design, and Shelby Hyde