By: Megan Barbera
For a fashion and festival enthusiast, living in Arizona can be difficult, especially in the summer and early fall. Even during the fall months, temperatures tend to stay in the upper 90s. So, an entire day spent outside at a festival can pose some challenges.
With Goldrush quickly approaching, here are some tips and tricks to help you look and feel your best while staying cool at the outdoor festival.
Choose Cotton
Cotton is key when it comes to clothing for a long day at a music festival. Many costumes and popular festival garments are made with polyester fabrics that are not breathable and hard to wear comfortably all day.
Try to stick with 100% cotton garments. This will ensure comfort and breathability, so you can make it through the day.
Do It Yourself Attire
Tie-dye is a popular pattern choice at music festivals, and cotton garments are the easiest to tie-dye. A super easy and cheap festival outfit is a two-piece tie-dye set with colors of your choice!
This DIY can be reversed by taking black garments and spraying them with bleach for an ultra-worn-out, up-cycled look.
Braids and Updos are Your Best Friends!
While it is tempting to take out the hot tools before a concert, straightened or curled hair will not last in the Arizona heat.
Braids and fun updos are extremely helpful at festivals since they keep your hair out of your face and off your neck. These hairstyles will not only look super cute but also allow you to feel more comfortable throughout the day.
Backpack it Up
Most festival veterans will swear by the Camelbak backpack. These backpacks, though a little pricier, are extremely helpful as they store water in the backpack and have a mouthpiece on the strap. This means you will not have to lug around a water bottle all day and be weighed down by the extra item.
Another great brand is called Vibedration, and this company makes the same type of backpacks in fun colors and patterns if you are looking to match your bag to your outfit!
Hydration is extremely important during festivals, so it is a good idea to snag one of these for a long day in the sun.
photo via
SPF Makeup is a MustÂ
Festival season is the opportunity to be experimental with your makeup looks. But while you are piling on the glitter and colorful eye makeup, be sure to use a foundation or BB cream with SPF. Being in the sun with a high UV index can be dangerous for your skin, so please do not forget this tip!
Just some general advice-
Being out in the heat for hours on end can be dangerous. Be sure to take breaks in the cool-off zone, stay hydrated and wear sunscreen. But the most important piece of advice is to have fun!
What are your go-to festival pieces? Let us know on Instagram and Twitter!