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Improve Your Sleep Schedule This Finals Season

The Chic Daily

By Vanessa Gonzalez

As it is almost time to kiss 2017 goodbye, college students are not done quite yet. Classes may be ending soon, but final exams still loom over students this week.

There are countless strategies to ace finals. One of the most important strategies students seem to overlook is getting a good night’s rest. Long hours of studying will not guarantee a perfect score if you’re not getting an equal amount of rest that the brain needs for exams.

There have been studies revealing that lack of sleep for college students can affect the person’s moods, physical/mental health and GPA in the long run. A student’s sleep is very important to focus on becoming academically successful.

According to research from the University of Georgia, students who get the minimum of 7-8 hours earn a higher GPA compared to those who sleep less than the minimum. Freshman Lauren Hernandez has experienced the extra stress with not having a consistent sleeping pattern each night.


Photo courtesy of Pinterest.

“There have been days where I’ve had so much homework and procrastinated leading up to only getting three hours of sleep,” she said.

Students can improve their sleep schedule by keeping a few things in mind. Limit the amount of going out towards the end of the semester, there will be plenty of opportunities to spend time with friends after exams. Take time to study earlier, late night study habits can cause a lot of cramming in last minute situations.

Even eating dinner earlier is a beneficial act some students are not aware of. According to the New York Times, consuming a meal at least three hours prior to going to bed is a healthy way to an easier digestion and avoiding an unsettling heavy stomach.

It is not easy saying no to those bad habits everyone creates for themselves, but they are labeled bad habits for a reason. It is never too late to learn positive habits.

A simple night routine college students can consider is winding down at least two hours before going to bed. Taking a hot shower can relieve the stress and muscle tension that are created throughout the day from school.

Drinking hot tea can soothe the body and mind to rest easily, but remember it is best to drink a non-caffeinated tea to avoid a boosting energy. There are various herbal tea flavors like chamomile, lavender, peppermint and lemon ginger that can help put the body at ease.


Photo courtesy of Pinterest.

Set down the phone at least 30 minutes prior to bedtime in order to fall asleep quicker, as looking at social media sites can make the mind eagerly start turning.

Sophomore Krstana Jojic has taken up reading a book and not a textbook before she falls asleep.

“I like to read a book before I go to bed, it helps me catch up on some chapters and makes me sleepy, so when I set it down I fall asleep pretty quickly,” she said.

Ultimately, it is never too late to to re-evaluate and improve your sleeping schedule. In the midst of finals, it sleep is a resource that directly leads to academic success.


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