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The Chic Daily

Short Hair or Long Hair – Which suits you?

By Jaslyn Ravenscraft

The struggle is real when it comes to hair. To cut it or not to cut it? I had long hair all throughout high school. If I’m being truthful, I barely even got it trimmed. Since I was active in sports and cheer, it made it easy for me to throw up in a ponytail and keep it out of my face. But then short hair started coming back in style and I saw all these girls with cute, short, curled hair and I wanted to switch it up. So before my second semester of freshman year of college, I chopped it all off and donated it to Locks of Love. 

I had been curious about cutting my hair because I wasn’t sure if I would be able to pull it off, but I was getting tired of it getting in the way and I really wanted to donate it. At first, I didn’t know how I felt about it… it felt so much lighter and looked so fresh. I kept the short hair all second semester and cut it again before summer. But I never did anything with it! It just was just there; like a little mop on top of my head. Not cute. I never had the time to curl it and style it like I had seen on Pinterest and so desperately wanted to try.

I know I’m not the only one who has gone through a similar experience and still hasn’t found their go-to ‘do. So I’m here to help and give you the pros and cons of both short and long hair, to hopefully help you and myself finally make the right decision!


PROS: – Easier to put up in a ponytail – Doesn’t require styling every day – More variety when it comes to styling (hello, Elsa-inspired up-do’s!) – Can be chopped off at any time (And donated!)

CONS: – Takes longer to wash and style – Heavier and hotter – Gets in the way – Ponytail headaches – Drain clogging


PROS: – Less styling and wash time – Lightweight – Will look fresher – Low maintenance

CONS: – Less styling options – Takes a long time to grow back – Has to be cut more often – Shows grease faster

Ultimately, your hairstyle should coincide with your lifestyle and beauty habits. If you love waking up an hour early before class to do your hair, then long luscious locks just might be your thing. But if you’re active and always on the go, short hair might suit you better. Just remember that no matter what you choose, you can always go back. Also, you never know unless you try, so a new hairstyle just might be a great way to ring in a new season.


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