The sky is bright blue as sun shines on the freshly bloomed flowers. Kids are splashing each other in the water as girls are tanning poolside. Hot chocolate is replaced with ice cold lemonade as we prepare to avoid dehydration. The days of walking around in a hot pink beanie, a black pea coat, jeans and black boots is no more as the weather changes from a crisp 60 degrees to a warm 90 degrees. These signs can only mean one thing. It is time to put away your favorite heavy winter attire and pull out the floral print dresses and sheer blouses as spring is on its way.
The seasons may change, but your style doesn’t have to. Here are a few ways to transition your winter outfit to the ideal spring ensemble.

A thick sweater paired with a heavy knit scarf, jeans and black boots can easily be transitioned to an outfit fit for spring. Replace the heavy weight attire with a light knit pink sweater, a lace floral print scarf, rolled jeans and flats. Together these pieces create an outfit perfect for picking flowers.

Replace the heavy polk-a-dot sweater with a sheer white top, but keep the jean skirt. Then remove the black leggings and leather boots and resurrect your favorite nude sandals, which create an ideal combination necessary for fun in the sun. Â Â

Replacing certain articles of clothing is essential for transitioning into spring, but its not the only thing. Trade in your black attire for a beige and brightly colored ensemble. A cream colored cardigan, lace tank top, and long purple skirt make for a simple textured look perfect for a Sunday stroll.
Transitioning from winter to spring does not have to be difficult as long as you replace your dark colored pieces with your bright colored attire. A heavy sweater can be be exchanged for a lightweight cardigan or sheer blouse. Boots can be turned in for flats or sandals in order to prepare for spring. Don’t forget to make your outfit unique by choosing the springtime colors that look best on you. Remember, the weather may influence your outfit choice, but it doesn’t have to dictate your style.
By: Shelby Hyde