Miuccia Prada once said “What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language.” One outfit, one shirt, a pair of jeans or shoes can say so many things without using a single word.
Guys are no different; they see an article of clothing and 50 million things have the potential to cross their minds.
As women we all have our “types”. We like the surfer guy, the gym guy, the bad boy, the business man and so many more . . . just like us girls, guys have types and preferences they like to see in girls, appearance wise.
So I took on the task to see what a few college guys liked to see in girls. Needless to say they were all different but here is what I found.
Brendan Miller – 19 – Nutrition major – “vintage, urban-type look”
Joshua Lorick – 20 – Exercise Wellness major – “sweats”
Brandon Garcia – 19 – Journalism major – “casual dresses or jeans are fine”
Robby Baker – 19 – Journalism major – “simple, laid-back style”
While all of these guys had different approaches to what they think are “fashionable/stylish”, the one thing they all tended to agree on was that when it comes to makeup, don’t dab on to much.
From this experiment to find out what guys truly liked, I found that they were all completely different. Their styles for girls varied from warm ups to dresses to more “vintage” looks.
The truth is, just like girls they have their types. Some of these types and preferences might surprise us, but never underestimate that guys do look and enjoy certain styles.
There is no clear stylebook for guys; they go for what they like and for their own definition of STYLISH.
Cassie Castaneda
Photo Credits: Urban Outfitters // Tais-toi, sois beau