By David Ulloa Jr.
Dedicated to my cousin, Isaiah. Happy Birthday Isaiah. I hope you had a good time losing your money on the craps table.
The chocolates get eaten. The roses get put in a vase. The jewelry gets worn. The candy goes on sale.
But what happens to the enormous Valentine’s Bears?

Those bears are huge, and to the best of my knowledge, you can’t stuff them in a closet. At least, I know I can’t stuff one in mine. Then again, I’ve never been in a relationship. Hence, I’ve been single every year on Valentine’s Day.
I don’t have an issue with it either.
In fact, I’ve never associated Valentine’s Day with the grand romantic gestures that everyone posts on their Instagram stories. However, this does not mean that I do not associate this holiday with love.
I associate this holiday with love, just not the romantic type of love everyone associates it with.
When I think of Valentine’s Day, I think of the love I have for my family.
Every year, for as long as I can remember, my mom and dad would try to get me and my sister a gift for Valentine’s Day. It’s those small gestures that I have to associate Valentine’s Day with.
I find it somewhat surprising that I remember when Valentine’s Day is coming up because I’m terrible at remembering dates. I can’t even remember my own dog’s birthday.

I think the only reason I remember Valentine’s Day falls on Feb. 14 is because my cousin’s birthday falls the day beforehand. Or maybe it’s because I had to remember Feb. 14 was Arizona’s birthday for a quiz in high school. Regardless, the date has stuck with me.
I’ve never had a bad day on Valentine’s Day. In fact, they’re usually pretty good days.
There’s something special about the candies, the “Charlie Brown” special, and the special edition sneakers that come out every year. I’ve never owned the latter, but they’re cool to look at.
Will I have a Valentine this year?
After losing some money at the casino on Feb. 13, I would have been scrambling.
Is there a special girl I hope will be my future Valentine?
To quote the Tootsie Pop commercial, “The world may never know.”
So what happens to the Valentine’s Bears?
After some thought, I realized they can be used as a model for outfit ideas.
Then again, would a pair of Air Jordan 1s fit a bear so huge?
It’s probably best just to stuff them in your closet.
How did you spend Valentine’s Day this year? Let us know on Instagram and Twitter or leave a comment!
Photos from Pinterest