Many hopeful entrepreneurs and bloggers these days find themselves drowning in the ever-growing sea of social media. How does one get noticed online and what are the tips and tricks of the worldwide web? Lorena Garcia and Sakura Concidine had these questions in mind when they co-founded their group, The Bloguettes.
Sakura Considine (left) and Lorena Garcia (right), the co-founders of Bloguettes
After the two met at a previous workplace and became friends, they discovered that they both had many unanswered questions about the digital world and relied on one another on many occasions for help with software and other forms of technology. After all, no one is ever really coached in the art of Photoshop, Instagram, WordPress and more.
The Bloguettes soon found that with their combined skills they would be able to educate others, creating the foundation for their mission. The duo has hosted countless events including webinars and in-person classes. I was fortunate enough to attend their speed dating style workshop Wednesday night and witness the two in action.
The setup was true to what the name suggested as the panelists were seated on one side of the table and the participants on the other. Every 6 minutes or so the applicants would rotate seats and have the opportunity to soak in as much information and advice from a professional about their area of expertise in order to maximize their presence in the digital world as much as possible.

The initial set up of the panel. Photo by Sydney Abeyta
The panelists were diverse in background, ranging from a restaurant owner to film photographer to a few professional bloggers. Each one had a unique perspective and valuable information to share with the eager participants. The partakers were also full of variety including a real estate developer to online fashion bloggers to optimistic entrepreneurs. It’s hard to believe that a vintage clothing boutique would have any relevant advice for a real estate developer, but that was part of the beauty of the diversity!
The panelists and professionals ready to begin the workshop. Photo by Sydney Abeyta
Many people found that some of the most appreciated pieces of advice came from the unlikeliest sources. When asked why they had been interested in the workshop, many responded that they had solely been in charge of most of the social media for their companies or were looking to begin a blog/website but weren’t sure where to begin. Anna Sample from Stella and Dot said she wanted to know “how successful people were doing it.”
As the event came to a close, I asked the participants if they found the workshop effective and if they would like to do again. The response was an astounding yes from every person asked. Some of the advice that they found the most surprising or helpful were suggestions such as remaining consistent with the aesthetics of the site (using the same photo filters, the same color palettes, and more), not to be afraid of plugins, and simply putting yourself out there.
T-shirts that were given as a thank you to the panelists and participants. Photo by Sydney Abeyta
A few of the panelists had some additional advice on their way out the door as well. Successful blogger Savannah Larsen recommended investing in a high quality camera if blogging and fashion are things you enjoy. “People do it thinking they’re going to make a lot of money. It’s not a job and it needs to be something that you’re passionate about,” she advised.
Fashionista and professional blogger Savannah Larsen. Photo by Sydney Abeyta
Pinterest Queen Alex Evjen suggested looking into the untapped potential of Pinterest because it’s geared toward women and has the largest demographic of women with disposable income willing to spend an average of $150 on each purchase.
Lots of information was exchanged in just a few short hours. The Bloguettes plan multiple events a year and you can even attend their webinars from the comfort of your own home. Check out their website at!
Article and Photos by Sydney Abeyta